Monday, June 27, 2011

I'm going to blog every day. And I'm going to try and keep some promises. But probably not the every-day-blogging thing. I have a billion things that cross my mind everyday though so it's not that I don't have enough to say. It's more that I'm easily distracted and often busy. If you do have something you want me to write about, tell me. And then I'll do it. I like feeling like this has a purpose, this whole blogosphere thing. That it's not just about me writing stuff because I think it's sorta fun. If you're going to read me, it's going to motivate me. And if you're going to get involved (ie. comment, compliment, give ideas, ask questions), I'd just be thrilled.

But remember, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. At least not to me.

Keep it light and happy - you should really only read this if you are procrastinating and that should be fun, not angry or negative.

Today I wondered, "How many windows are in Manhattan?"
Tomorrow I'll wonder something else. And if I keep my first promise, I'll let you know what that is.

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