Thursday, July 28, 2011

You've got something on your neck there...

So you got a hicky. Wearing a scarf in the summer is just not feasible. Getting to a widetoothed comb or cold spoon within minutes of the suck-bite-bruise situation might not be reasonable either. So, how do you stop a hicky before it happens and your aunt notices and asks "Whose the vampire?"? Your excuse of walking into a doorknob or burning your neck with a straightening iron is implausible. Nobody believes you.

These are groundrules for any hookup beyond age 15. Just have the willpower to shake your head, wiggle away, or redirect to a face-to-face match. Or, before you start, just say, "If you give me a hicky, I will tell everyone [insert painful insult or secret here]" That should work, if you're clever.

If your selected companero happens to be a biter and you happen to enjoy screwing with your blood vessels and looking marked like cattle, suggest hipkies, ribkies, or any other location that will hide successfully under your swimsuit of choice. If that swimsuit is a shvimkleid, anywhere is fair game. If you prefer a string thong bikini on a topless beach, you may want to reconsider if you value hickies and instead, begin to appreciate temporary tattoos.

Maybe you and your vampiric friend are better off with actual temporary tattoos. They look way more awesome anyway and come out with soap and water.

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