Tuesday, September 13, 2011

10 Things I Don't Hate About Sevilla

AKA 10 things I did in the last two days while I did not have any time to blog

1. Made travel plans to go more places. It's so hard to say "No" to 9Euro tickets. But it's also hard to leave Sevilla ever. I might never come home.

2. Saw a Flamenco espectaculo. Now I know why shows here are called espectaculos. It was espectacular. We got a half-price deal (me, JFus, a friend of 7 years who was visiting Sevilla on her way to study in Morocco, and her two Dartmouth friends) because my senora is besties with the guy who runs the Palacio we went to. A drink and an AWESOME show by a world-renowned company for 18 euros. Need to write a thorough review, but it was definitely a win.

3. Walked over 5 miles to and from school today. Average. Whatever. Probably shouldn't even be on this list its become so norm.

4. Ate an incredibly delicious crepe (crep) with Mori as we got really excited about going to Paris, while sitting in an open air market in a Plaza. This crepe had condensed milk. It did not look appetizing but was quite delicious. Still not sure what it was. Still sure I will eat many more crepes in Paris.

5. Planned classes for the semester - Arab Influence on Spanish Lit, Artistic Techniques (fieldtrips!), Image of Spain through Film, and Spain and the European Union. What I'm taking is not as important as my schedule, which has 1 hour on Tuesday and nothing on Thursday or Friday.

6. Watched futbol on TV and got psyched for the FC Sevilla game this weekend! The stadium is a stone's throw from mi casa. Cervezas on gamedays are 1 euro. Can't decide if I should go to the game Sat night and then a BULLFIGHT on Sunday - seems a little inhumane, the whole stabbing and killing several bulls thing. Soccer *excuse me* futbol is much more sensitive. Actually, I think I have to experience just how intense Eurofutbol is before I can decide which sport is brutalest.

7. Realized the school around the corner from my house is called "Bleeding Heart of Jesus" school. Sounds much better en espanol.

8. Tried to pour vinegar on my right thigh to soothe my sunburn. Kind of worked. Sitting has become a horrible activity though.

9. Got fresh sheets and towels at home. No matter the country, a clean and cool pillowcase is sometimes all you need to feel at home.

10. Planned to learn how to ride a bike this weekend so I don't have to keep walking 5 miles everyday. I'm 20. It's about time. I'll finally know what people mean when they say "It's like learning to ride a bike."

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