Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Weekend Review

Pictures are worth a thousand words and I'm way too exhausted from all this commotion to write that much anyway. Win-win, since you all seem to love the photoblogs anway. The first couple pictures are from Thanksgiving day. This is hopefully the last time I'll mention it - it was so awesome but so was yesterday, which is what the rest of the pictures are from. We had a touristy day around Sevilla, hitting up Casa de Pilatos, where the Mediacelli royals still live. We then headed to the Setas for a lunch and stroll and surprises abounded! Spray-painting recycling bin festivals, tons of Roman ruins, and stellar views of our hometown. The day ended with churros, as all good days do. A day in Spain without fried food really isn't Spain at all. Enjoy!
Spanish host parents from our street get slizzard. Far left, my host mother drinks directly from the bottle. #FTW

We had to do a retake because Ana said she looked old and fat.
I think this came out great.
Close-up of our very normal
and functional family
Six americans and their Spanish host families equals one weird Thanksgiving.

MySpace style self-takes always look good.
Even in the duchess' gardens.
My entryway looks like this, too.

"Take a picture of me for my mom."
Audioguides and old pilars really
have become routine. I don't think I interned
a single word this guide said.

This palace has over 100 different mosaic patterns.
It's like an optical illusion headache.
When the ceiling is so fancy,
you can hardly tell which way is up.

Standing on a giant pile of waffles, looking at a city, appearing to be Photoshopped. The usual.

Chicago painted cows. NYC painted apples. Sevilla paints recycling hubs.
Architectural marvels or disasters? Time will tell. I say they're just weird.
I just asked these people to take a picture with me. 
Under the mushroom/waffles, a man in a funny
hat fries dough squiggles in a vat of oil.

And then we eat it. And the day ends.

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