Friday, July 22, 2011

Judgment Day

I talked a lot earlier about my thoughts on labels and categories and all that stuff.

Here is why judging people is bad, but I do it anyway, and you seem to think it's funny.

Bad: You never know someone's backstory that might explain why she has the biggest hair ever or he has a bizarre set of social skills or her wardrobe has not been updated since 8th grade. By judging books on their covers or based on a cursory skim, you don't know the deeper character, the rising action, the plot twists, and all that jazz.

Do it anyway: You just cant help it. You can't. Stop trying. See: Malcolm Gladwell's "Blink". Your first impression lasts. It comes from somewhere deep inside you that's locked up - you can't access it. So how am I supposed to change these intrinsic viewpoints, often amusing, that I make in a blink?

Funny: Because, since it comes from somewhere so deep inside, there is an honesty, a purity, about a judgment that it feels like a fact to you even though it's utter opinion. So when I get a greasy, slimy feeling from a bro based on his post-lax body odor or overwhelming cologne or I decide that a girl is a wanton shewolf because she's wearing a leather corset as clothing, you giggle because you might not say it, but you kinda agree.

Then again, the world needs a little more kindness, so maybe I should think twice before deciding on the smelly bro or the promiscuous girl. Since it's inate, that's really hard. But so is life.

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